Neuropsychologist Licensed Psychologist

Center For Neuropsychology & Consciousness

Dr. Chan been granted the Authority to Practice Interjurisdictional Telepsychology. If your state is blue, he can work with you! Click here for the precise list of states.
His podcast "the CNC Dialogues" can be found here
His book "reassembling models of reality" can be found here.

Dear Visitor,
With appropriate support and interventions, you can rewire your brain and restructure your mind to improve the quality of your day-to-day life. My goal is to enrich and advance your conscious experience to cultivate higher levels of integration and well-being.
I assess and treat psychological and neurological conditions. Assessment is achieved through neuropsychological evaluations, and treatment through cognitive rehabilitation, remediation and/or psychotherapy. These are fancy ways of saying, I am here to help reduce unnecessary suffering. The evaluation enables me to map out your cognitive (thinking skills), emotional and personality functioning, leading to an accurate diagnosis and recommendations that will optimize your engagement with the world.
Psychotherapy can be seen as an enriched environment designed to enhance neuroplasticity and integration. Therapy involves the formation of a relationship in service of improving your well-being. Change occurs through awareness, insight, experience and education. I welcome and invite you to explore my site for more information. I would be honored to play the role of a catalyst in your process of becoming. Feel free to contact me through the mediums below.
For google reviews click here.
- Dr. Chan
“To live, to live well, to live better" - Alfred North Whitehead